Monday, November 29, 2010

Specialized Pilot

Mac and Todd, two brothers, went together to an employment agency looking for work. The first brother was called for an interview. "It says here you're a pilot." said the employment counselor.
Mac nodded. "Well, that's great. There's a need for experience pilots. I have a job for you immediately.: With that, Mac left for the airfield.
Todd's interview didn't go as well. When asked about his work experience he replied.
"I am a tree cutter." The counselor said there were no opening for tree cutter. Incensed, Todd demanded: "How come you have a job for my brother and not for me?"
"Because you brother is a plot," explained the counselor. "He has a special ed skill."
"What do you mean specialized? I cut the wood, and he piles it!"

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