Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Where is my spoon?

Steinberg had been having his lunch in the same lower East Side restaurant for 20 years. Everyday, he left his

office at noon, went to the restaurant, and ordered a bowl of chicken soup. Never a change. But one day

Steinberg called the waiter back after receiving his soup.

'Yes, Mr.Steinberg?' inquired the waiter.

'Waiter,please taste this soup.'

'What do you mean, taste the soup?' For 20 years you have been eating the same chicken soup here,

everyday, yes?' Has it ever been any different?'

Steinberg ignored the waiter's comments.

'Please, taste this soup,' he repeated.

'Mr. Steinberg, what's the matter with you?' I know what the chicken soup like!'

'Taste the soup!' Steinberg demand.

'All right, all right,I'll taste. Where's the spoon?'

'Aha! cried Steinberg.

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