Saturday, November 20, 2010

Who is Plauline?

It was a fearful night. Lighting shot through the sky and the thunder roared in blasts that would frighten anybody. The rain cam down in sheets. The door of a little bakery opened and a drenched man came up to the counter and said.
'Let me have two bagels!'
'The baker looked at him incredulously.' What,' said the baker,
'you came out on a night like this just order for two bagels?' That's all?'
'Yes, that's all,' answered the man.'That's all I need. Just one for  me and one for Pauline.'
'Who is Pauline?' asked the baker.
'Oh what the hell difference is it to you?' answered the man.
'Pauline is my wife. Who do you think she is? Would my mother send me out on a night like this?'

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